Online Enrollment Management Requires a Cultural Shift — Here’s What That Means

The most effective online enrollment management plan is one that is student-centric at every stage and with every interaction, from recruitment to graduation. The goals of this approach can be accomplished by correctly deploying technology, processes, and training to drive quick follow-ups with prospective students and to establish the student’s wants and needs.

The key to online enrollment is to maintain student-centricity throughout each encounter. From a cultural perspective, the implementation and acceptance of this approach should be non-negotiable. As you will see below, Perdia Education’s college enrollment model encourages this type of outreach with empathy, active listening, and continued follow-up. It comes down to the right communication at the right time. 


Align student enrollments with team growth and achievement

To be successful, your online enrollment management plan has to begin by redefining the institutional focus.
Every member of your admissions and enrollment team needs to see students as: 

  • Their first priority 

  • Deserving the best service they can offer 

  • Owed prompt and respectful responses 

  • The reason every staff member has a job 

Your strategic enrollment management plan needs to ensure that all staff appreciate and share this focus and become student advocates, at every level
and in every department. All members must respect the student’s decision-making processes and know the value of each prospective student inquiry. 

The overarching goal of any online enrollment management strategy is to deliver sustainable growth within the online marketplace. But cost-effective
growth in the online marketplace can only be successful if the entire institution embraces a student-centric enrollment culture. 


Wondering how to increase online student enrollments? Provide student CARES.

Here’s an easy acronym that can help your team deliver great student service at every point in the online enrollment cycle:

Communication: Clearly communicate pre-enrollment processes and set reasonable expectations throughout your college enrollment process. 

Accountability: Take responsibility for finding solutions to assist all online prospective students and always work toward enrolling each student who reaches out. 

Responsiveness: Prospective students should receive prompt and proactive answers regarding online enrollment.

Expertise: Become a resource and advocate for each inquiry. Know the procedures and system. Always work to help students make informed decisions
and provide opportunities for them to enroll online. 

Solution: At the end of the day, make sure to solve the student’s issue or answer their question—go the extra mile on behalf of any inquiry related
to your higher education enrollment process.

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